I just want to make sure of something that’s confusing me slightly.
Does the Web Shield work automatically in Windows 98 SE or is there a setting you have to change to make it function? In the Help file it says this that made me wonder -
To enable the Web
Shield on Windows 9x/ME operating systems, it is necessary to modify one
setting in the Internet Options - in particular, the address and port of
local proxy. So, if you want to use Web Shield on an older operating system,
do the following:
Proxy server setting for Windows 95, 98, and Millennium using dial-up
connection (modem):
Start Internet Explorer.
Select Tools ® Internet Options… from the main menu.
Switch to page Connections.
Select your dial-up connection from the list and click on the Settings…
Check the option Use a proxy server for this connection.
Write localhost into the Adress field (alternatively, you can enter IP
address, which is the same as localhost).
Enter 12080 into the Port field.
Confirm with OK button.
I have Windows 98 and dial-up so I’m wondering if one has to do the above or does the Web Shield just run automatically. It seems to be working but I just want to be sure.
No it doesn’t work automatically. You need to follow the steps you’ve already found in the help file.
You do realise that Windows 98 has been a non-supported OS since June/July of 2006. I wouldn’t even connect a Windows 98 system to the Internet these days!!!
I guess he missed the fact you were using win98, but now you know where to come for a quick response. The forums are generally quicker with many other avast users offering help to other avast users.
It’s strange though, the avast icon in the system tray does animate whenever I visit a page online and I haven’t routed the Web Shield through localhost yet. Is it just doing that because there’s hd activity but it’s not actually scanning the content?
It’s probably the standard shield scanning files being written to the hd. Webbshield scans before they reach your hd. To confirm which provider is scanning, left click the “a” icon, click on webshield, if it is scanning the last file scanned will be displayed and the count will go up. Do the same with stanard shield.