Web Shield / AOL

I am intrigued with the thorough, high level protection that the avast! Web Shield can provide. Now, I have tossed this question at avast! Tech Support twice, but have gotten mixed, inconclusive answers.

Let me say first off, I have a Windows 98SE Celeron-based computer with Dial Up AOL. I originally read a post, probably on the avast! FAQs that seemed to possibly indicate that the avast! Web Shield does NOT work with AOL … PERIOD. I have since E-mailed avast! Tech Support twice. The first time, they seemed to corroborate what the FAQs said, that the Web Shield will NOT work with AOL. The second time, they seemed to indicate that the Web Shield CAN be configured to work with “ANY ISP.” So, what IS the Real Deal? CAN the Web Shield be set to work with AOL? Or is AOL’s propensity for Non-standard Internet Protocols usage make the avast! Web Shield a No Go?

It isn’t a case of working with the ISP but working with the browser.

If you are using the AOHell browser you can kiss goodbye to web shield protection as it is a proprietary browser that isn’t supported.

There is nothing to stop you using another browser that is supported (like firefox or opera) once your connection is established ans the web shield would work with that when you manually set it to use the web shield (because of win98).

For IE - broadband users: - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for IE
For IE - dialup users - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for IE (Dial-up)
For Firefox users - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for Firefox

Thanks for that solid reply with conviction, DavidR. That’s the kind of answer for which I was looking … something that wouldn’t leave me still wondering whether it does or doesn’t work. You even answered a question I hadn’t even asked, but had been wondering. I do also use Opera … of course, superimposed on AOL as the ISP. So, are you saying that I could set up my avast! Settings and maybe Windows Settings to where I could still use AOL as I do now (Without Web Shield Protection) … and then be able to maximize Opera from the Taskbar and without skipping a beat, start using Opera WITH Web Shield Protection? Right now I already flip-flop / weave in & out of AOL and Opera at the click of their respective Taskbar Buttons. I just thought that if I were to change the Port Settings or whatever I vaguely read, to activate the Web Shield to work with my Opera … it would affect my AOL, conceivably to the point of it NOT working. And if my AOL doesn’t work with some Port Setting change, then my Opera wouldn’t work as like I said, my Opera runs ON my AOL.

I will look at the Info in the links you provided. And if need be, come back here for some more helpful Info / advice as what you previously provided.

------- Original Message from DavidR -------

It isn’t a case of working with the ISP but working with the browser.

If you are using the AOHell browser you can kiss goodbye to web shield protection as it is a proprietary browser that isn’t supported.

There is nothing to stop you using another browser that is supported (like firefox or opera) once your connection is established ans the web shield would work with that when you manually set it to use the web shield (because of win98).

For IE - broadband users: - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for IE
For IE - dialup users - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for IE (Dial-up)
For Firefox users - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for Firefox

Opera should have a similar way of setting up the use of a proxy by the browser, unfortunately I don’t use opera so can’t be of much practical help. As far as I know there is no tutorial video of how to set-up opera to use the web shield proxy.

So manually set opera to use the web shield proxy and you should be in business. You aren’t changing port settings if opera works now with AOHell after you configure it to use the web shield it should still work. One proviso on that, what is your firewall as you have to take care it doesn’t block ashWebSv.exe (the web shield).

That is really what I hate about AOHell the fact that it tries to lock you into an AOHell world with proprietary applications, the same is true of their email client it doesn’t conform to standard email protocols either.

Arrrrgggghhhh! ;D I was just getting ready to comment on how Cool, detailed and easy to follow those Tutorial videos were … and was subsequently going to ask if there was one for Opera. I did a brief correlation attempt to see if I could match up the Firefox steps in the tutorial video to whatever functions / options are in Opera. I didn’t come up with any match. Not that it’s not there. Maybe I can Google up some steps for Opera. It doesn’t have to be a video. As long as it is some solid, easy to follow steps specific for Opera.

I don’t have any Firewall. avast! 4.8.1201 is the only Security Protection of any kind I have on my computer.

Okay … Question: In the tutorials for IE and Firefox, after typing in “localhost,” they entered a 5-digit number, something like maybe “12048” or thereabouts. Would that also be used in the Opera configuration with AOL? Or would it be a different number entered?

Here is a screen shot to setup Opera for webshield in 98SE.

Tools> Preferences> Advanced> Network> Proxy Servers

Thanks for stepping in rdmaloyjr, I will copy the image for the future thanks.

@ Chim
As I said earlier the settings are concerned with the browser and not the ISP.

It isn't a case of working with the ISP but working with the browser.

So it doesn’t matter how you connect but the browser you use, this only changes if your ISP insists you use a proxy to connect to the internet and I don’t know if that is the case with AOHell ?

If it is there isn’t a problem as we can probably do a work around on that too.

You should consider a firewall with outbound protection as any malware that manages to get past your defences will have free reign to connect to the internet to either download more of the same, pass your personal data (sensitive or otherwise, user names, passwords, keylogger retrieved data, etc.) or open a backdoor to your computer, so outbound protection is essential.

Woo Hoo! :smiley: Alright! Thanks a Buncho, rdmaloyjr! That’s what I’m talking about. I hope those steps work as well as they look easy. I was in that area before when I attempted to match the Firefox steps to Opera. I just didn’t bother to click on the Proxy Servers Button.

So, Followup Questions: As I previously asked DavidR … IF I were to do those Steps in that screen shot … any and all of my Opera Net Activity would now be protected by the avast! Web Shield? And my AOL operation would NOT be affected … especially Adversely? ;D Of course, I’m aware that if I understand all this correctly, my AOL would NOT be protected by the Web Shield, but rather, only by the Standard Shield. Is that correct? In other words, bottom line I want to still be able to weave in & out of Opera & AOL seamlessly at the click of their respective Taskbar Buttons, even if only Opera has the Web Shield Protection … and the AOL only the Standard Shield Protection.

DavidR, you and rdmaloyjr have been a HUGE help and I barely joined this Forum last night.

Okay, I’m aware that AOL is its own Weird Animal and marches to the beat of its own drum. So, what would it be considered? Is it a hybrid … an ISP / Browser? Wouldn’t it have to be part ISP since I HAVE to use it to be able to get Opera to work?

I’d definitely consider a Firewall, but I don’t exactly have a Super State of the Art Dragster Powerful Computer. ;D I have a 7-year OLD Gateway Professional v733 computer with a Celeron Processor and 384 Meg RAM. I really can’t afford to have anything slowing it down even further what with me being on Dial Up.

I’ll wait for avast! 5 to see what Firewall it can provide that hopefully won’t slow down my computer.

You’re welcome, I’m glad to have been of help.

I added “Tools> Preferences> Advanced> Network> Proxy Servers” to my post to be more helpful.

@ Chim
The standard shield could be consider a last line of defence, but there are things that it doesn’t scan by default (as they aren’t an immediate threat) like zip files, and certain other files, those however if they came down on the standard http prot (80) would be scanned by the web shield no matter what their file type.

So it is preferable that wherever possible you do use the opera browser that is protected by the web shield. Because it uses a proxy the files are scanned ‘before’ they end up on your system, so and malware detections are intercepted early allowing you to abort the connection (only the actual file download is aborted, not your internet connection). This stops it getting on to your system, where the standard shield is trying to deal with something that is on your system.

I think AOHell defies description as it is primarily an ISP, the problem is that it tries to offer the user an environment to work within and to do that it uses proprietary applications to do that, with its own browser, email client and IM programs. This to a degree locks the user inside the AOHell environment they don’t see the full flexibility of the internet and the variety of software available to them because it is just too difficult. This effectively locks them into AOHell, well that is my opinion for what its worth.

Also, in addition to what you mentioned as avast! NOT scanning for me … as per my understanding of some of the Info in the FAQs and Info from avast! Tech Support … avast! is NOT scanning, NOT protecting my E-mail activity. But, at least there I do have the consolation that THAT area IS being covered by AOL. AOL IS scanning my E-mail Activity via McAfee.

And I guess my 2nd Peace of Mind would be that while some nefarious Malware element might get past the avast! Standard Shield, avast! will catch it in On-Demand Manual Scans and whenever the Infected Files are attempted to be read / opened.

Ever since discovering Opera about 2 or 3 months ago, I HAVE been doing most of my Web Browsing / Net Surfing on Opera. Now most of my Main AOL Activity is that of posting on some Message Boards, which are of course exclusive to AOL. So, consequently one meets friends on those AOL Message Boards and as you put it — one is locked into then having to use THOSE AOL Message Boards on which to post with them.

The additional detail is appreciated, rdmaloyjr.
BTW, I cracked up with your Signature about Opera, IE & Firefox. ;D

Here are a couple “light weight” free firewalls popular with 98SE users. They are no longer supported or updated!

http://www.321download.com/LastFreeware/page7.html#Kerio Personal Firewall


I will read up on them and see how they look … see if I get that Gut Feeling to pull the trigger on one of them.

Heyyy, rdmaloy … I did it. I performed those steps, the Proxy thing to set up my Opera to work with the avast! Web Shield. Verdict? Nnnnggg, I’d like to say that it is 100% All Systems Go. Unfortunately, something is jussssst slightly Off. It is more like 95% - 97% Systems Go. The websites just don’t seem to 100% finish downloading. They’ll almost finish loading, like to 95% - 97% and the Status Bar will disappear, the usual indication that Loading is complete. Yet, there will be bits missing. Just as examples, I tried loading Wikipedia, Wiktionary and a Local TV Listings website. All 3 ended up having this or that … usually Icons, Symbols or Pics missing. And under normal circumstances (Without the Web Shield Activated), if there is one thing I LOVE about Opera is that it is Rock Solid & Stable when it comes to loading and displaying websites in their entirety the first time and every time. Firefox was the one I had problems with NOT loading and displaying websites in their entirety. But, Opera has always been extremely reliable. You click on a link and BAMM! Pretty much every pixel of every detail that should be in a particular website WILL be loaded and displayed. Yet now with the Web Shield Active … websites are falling just shy of completion. It’s like something is getting a smidgen Lost in Translation.

Pending YOUR opinion on what’s going on, here’s 2 possible culprits.
(1) Maybe Opera with the added burden of the detour of Net Traffic diverted to the Web Shield is NOT really ideally meant to work on Dial Up … especially with AOL as the ISP.
(2) I have to admit that I’ve had problems with AOL being sluggish (More than Usual) ;D the past 4 days. So, maybe this AOL sluggishness, slowness is contributing to the avast! Web Shield preventing 100% completion of websites.

@ Chim
If you use the AOHell email client the Internet Mail provider won’t cover it because it doesn’t use the standards for pop3 and smtp mail protocols, but its own proprietary spit protocol, they really make life difficult for their users as I continue to mention.

You would also have to manually configure any non AOHell email client to use the avast Internet Mail proxy (the same problem as with the web shield because of your OS) or run the Mail Protection Wizard. I don’t know how or if this might work if your email server is at AOHell, I just don’t know.