Web Shield Blocking All Internet Access

I have been using v7 of Avast! Free on Windows 7 (64-bit) without any problems.

However, since upgrading to the latest release (7.0.1426) all Internet access appears to be blocked unless I stop the Web Shield.

Does anyone know what the problem might be?

do you have a firewall ?

if so, delete all avast rules, reboot and create new rules

The most common reason is your firewall blocking avast.

What is your operating system and firewall ?
Does it allow avastSvc.exe internet access ?

  • If it does delete the entry for it and reconnect to the internet, this should force the firewall to ask permission again.

As suggested, Cleared out all the Avast related rules from Online Armor Firewall.

Internet access now fully restored.

Many Thanks for your help.

You’re welcome.