web shield causes every page/resource to be loaded twice

I noticed in my firewall that webshield is causing every page to be loaded twice.

Probably once by the browser and then again by avast.

Can this be disabled without having to completely disable webshield and get the stupid triangle warning icon?

I tried leaving webshield enabled and just uncheck all the checkboxes and it still loads every page twice.

This is a rather stupid behavior.

Hi av4me,

Most likely, webshield protects your browser by acting as a proxy. First, webshield downloads and scans pages for malware, next webshield transfers safe pages to your browser and blocks unsafe pages.

Your firewall seems to log both actions: download by webshield and transfer to browser.

It would defeat the purpose of online protection, to let your browser download a copy that has not been scanned already.

Best regards,

You might be right as I tried watching the log through my router and it only seems to download once at the router, so it’s internal.

Very strange I did not notice this behavior until the newest avast (minor) upgrade the other day.

Hi ad4me,

Together with the Networkshield it is one of the best features avast av-solution offers it’s users and the shields have protected loads and loads of people from direct access to live malcode. “Keep those avast shields running, ‘guys and gals’, keep these visors up”,
