Web Shield corrupts images and downloads in Firefox 40

Web Shield is corrupting images and downloads in Firefox 40

Even if you disable parts of it.

It has to be completely turned off to leave the streams alone.

Is there maybe a registry hack I can add that will turn off the exclamation mark just because web shield is off, so if I get a real warning I can see it?

Also would be nice if the icon changed while new definitions were being downloaded but that is probably for another thread.

Firefox 40 is not released so you may find some things don’t work properly.
Best wait until FF has a final release to expect desired results.

Yes by all means, ignore serious problems on the horizon demonstrated by a late beta.

Firefox 40 will be out NEXT WEEK in wide release.

Avast is going to be flooded with complaints - well if people can actually figure out the problem is Web Shield.

Meanwhile Mozilla is just telling people to turn off Web Shield, won’t be good for Avast reputation.

Hi, I can’t reproduce your problem with corrupted images and FF40. Could you please write how to reproduce it ? Some specific webpage ? Which OS do you use ? What does exactly mean “corrupted” ?

Using Windows XP

Images are difficult to test until you hit certain ones.

But it is much easier to test with a ZIP or RAR archive download which has a CRC check and will tell you when it unpacks if there is an error, which I got all the time when Web Shield was active.

Use FF 40 to download some large zip files and then unzip them.

In fact you can download FF itself to test a large zip


But it can be any large zip, very soon you will get a CRC error during the unzip process.

Windows XP what ??? SP1 2 or 3 ???

sp3 of course, fully patched until 2018

works great and faster than all later versions of windows

still a few hundred million XP + 2003 users out there, more than all OSX users combined



I am also not able to reproduce your problem. Could you please try to reproduce this issue with latest Firefox nightly build?


Not sure if there will be a 40 b10 or just a release since it is due on the 11th for gold

I guess we’ll find out in a week if it is just me or everyone else on XP

Apparently they are done with beta and going right to 40 release candicates


So will try that and report back with webshield enabled.

update: nope, 40rc fails with webshield enabled - downloaded firefox40.0.zip and ran a integrity test with winrar and it says two files inside are corrupt

no corruption if webshield is entirely turned off (not just parts of it, it has to be completely disabled)

Have you tried downloading the zip file in Internet Explorer? Is it still corrupt ?

Secondly, you can create a new profile in Firefox and try that. (firefox.exe -p from the run box)

Hi, I cannot reproduce problem too. Using FF 40.0b9 on fully updated Windows XP. Maybe, are you using some another network filtering software together with Avast? It could be compatibility problem.

Well Firefox 40 (release) has shipped now.

Either you are going to get other complaints, or it really is just my machine.

There was also a flurry of microsoft updates yesterday so it possible they broke/fixed something too.

I’ve moved onto Firefox 41 beta now, I will turn back on web-shield and see if I get corruption again or not.

Nope, still corrupts with webshield on.

firefox 41 beta installed

all patched from microsoft as of yesterday

test download file (50 MB)


Run “TEST” on it with winrar, fails CRC check.

Note I don’t even have anything checked under webshield - it is simply “on” with everything inside it supposedly disabled.

Turn off webshield and re-download, and file passes just fine.

I should also note I am NOT using any plugin/extension inside Firefox from Avast, but that shouldn’t make a difference.

I also use agnitum outpost firewall.

But none of this, including webshield, was a problem up through FF 39

I guess we’ll know by the end of this week if it is just my machine/setup or if anyone else runs into this.

I tried to download http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/candidates/41.0b1-candidates/build1/win32/en-US/firefox-41.0b1.zip couple of times and all works fine.

This is pretty weird problem. The only suspicious thing which I see at your computer is coexistence with agnitum FW. It’s possible that FF40 fires some compatibility issue.

Well I use firefox 40.0, avast free 10.3.2225 and Agnitum Firewall Pro 9.1 and no problem with the download. The
50.3MB firefox .zip file downloaded in 17.19 seconds.

I was able to open the file using 7zip and no corruption apparent.

It’s not a matter of opening, did you use the TEST button for it to check the crc on all the files inside?

Since I don’t have WinRar and have only just found that 7zip does have that feature, no I didn’t run the test at that time.

I had deleted it, but downloaded it again and ran two tests a whole file test and a CRC test, both passed.