Web Shield doesn't work

Although Web Sield-Provider is startet,when I open a WebSite without firewall it is not working…and when the firewall (OutPost 2,5) is activ, no any reaction to, no asking for a rule…nothing…the site is normally opening…what is wrong,what I do ??? Exists for it a special configuration?
I work only with : windows 98-SE, FireFox 1.0 , Proxomitron as proxy, OutPost-2.5 , mail-client Gemail,and avast-home-4.6.603 and not any other security-programm… Please excuse my bad english… I would be very grateful for help-me
Regards horbar

Most likely this happens because you are using a proxy.

Read the help file on how to setup the webschield manually.

Edit: removed.

Didn’t see the ‘Proxomitron as proxy’ follow Eddy’s lead.

…would you be so kind, to tell-me, where I can find in the help-file :“how to setup the webschield manually”
…sorry , I can’t localise it :cry:
Thank-you very much,
regards horbar

Not all help files are updated… :-[ Sorry.

The procedure will be similar to this:

  1. Open the WebShield properties (Customize button on the providers lists).
  2. Un-check the option ‘Ignore the local traffic’.
  3. Set the same port used by Proxomitron.

Hallo Technical,
thank you, but “WebShield properties (Customize button on the providers lists)” I can’t find it to…may be that exists only in the Pro-Version and not in the Home-edition ??? I can only realize a configuration for the provider 8)…if it is so, what could I do ,or have I to forget the WebShield ? or exists an other resolution?
best regards, horbar

in firefox/connection settings, set proxy / port 12080

…but I need in FF Port 8080 for the proxy (Proxomitron)…
I think there must be find a resolution to set Webshield as proxy still in front of Proxomitron… :-

… ;D…I find it out…id seems to work perfectly ;D :smiley:

…I am happy …thanks for your helpfulness goodwill


What did you do? Posting will help users in the future with the same problem 8)

…o.k… ;).I did the following :
Proxomitron works as proxy over Port 8080 and this Port
has to be set in: firefox/connection settings, set proxy / port 8080…and because Proxomitron offers the additional possibility to use a “extern proxy”, where is to set :“localhost:12080”…
The setting in the firewall-rule for Webshield is : TCP/outgoing/HTTP/allowed…and so Webshield works perfectly included proxomitron ;D
that is all…good luck :smiley:

I have to reactivate this thread, as i have a similar problem. I’m using Avast 4.6.623 on WinXP (SP2), Outpost 2.5 and Proxomitron as Proxy.
When using Maxthon (IE engine), webshield works fine without any modifications to the default settings of Avast Webshield and Proxomitron. But using Firefox (1.0.2) doesn’t make Webshield to scan the traffic. If i set Firefox to direct internet access without Proxomitron, it works. But using Proxomitron only works for IE, not for Firefox. I tried to set localhost:12080 as proxy in Proxomitron, but that didn’t change anything.
I even disabled Outpost (terminated it, to be more precise), but still the same problem… It seems that traffic from Firefox is not scanned by Webshield when it goes through Proxomitron.
I’m quite sure that earlier versions of Avast didn’t have this problem, but i can’t say which was the last version that worked.
Any suggestions?

Won’t be the opposite?
I mean, if you set your Proxomitron proxy port into WebShield to scan and un-check the option ‘Ignore local communication’, won’t it work?

That worked. But i want Webshield to be the first to scan web traffic, not Proxomitron.

Well, I think this won’t be possible as you’re setting that Proxomitron rules the connection.
I mean, all traffic must ‘left’ your computer through Proxomitron (most probably you want to be anonymous while surfing). WebShield is ‘behind’ your local proxy. I have a local proxy too, if you don’t set like this, you won’t connect…

As i said, everything works with IE, but not with Firefox.

Btw, Webshield is also a local proxy. There’s no difference to another proxy (like Proxomitron), apart from the fact that Webshield is a transparent proxy. So the order of proxies doesn’t matter.
What i want to point out is, that there seems to be a problem in the way Webshield detects web traffic.

I’m not so sure that this applies to ‘all’ local proxies… Mine, I’m absolutely sure that must the ‘last’ one (the one which really connects the Internet and drive all traffic with it).

You may be right, although i doubt that there is a difference between Proxomitron and Webshield, as they both scan HTTP traffic.
I have no problem with changing my setup. But i am interested in how Webshield detects HTTP traffic.

Web Shield detects HTTP traffic by the port number. It monitors outgoing connections for the port numbers specified in the redirected ports configuration entry. It also checks the process name of the communicating program. Currently both iexplore.exe and firefox.exe are monitored.

That was what i thought of. But as i said (and believe me, that seems strange to me), Firefox traffic is not detected when it goes through Proxomitron. At least not on my machine… :frowning: