What are the known processes that cause troubles to Web Shield?
It’s possible to put the “admuncher.exe” in the OptinProcess by default?
What are the known processes that cause troubles to Web Shield?
It’s possible to put the “admuncher.exe” in the OptinProcess by default?
Ad-muncher uses an optin method too. But the list of approved processes is rather long in ad-munch. I’ve reviewed that and it includes many types of IM soft, Winamp and Windows Media Player and some other which I wouldn’t like to be enabled by default. At present I vote for manual avast4.ini editing for the ad-munch users. Sorry
To enable webshield scanning for Ad Muncher edit the avast4.ini file and add or edit this line:
Thanks for the info, Technical
On my computer I can only make the WebShield works with Ad Muncher if I put “OptinProcess=admunch.exe” and put a proxy on my browser (localhost:12080)
Isn’t possible to work without make a proxy?