Web Shield incompatibilities...


What are the known processes that cause troubles to Web Shield?

It’s possible to put the “admuncher.exe” in the OptinProcess by default?


http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=11997.msg101376#msg101376 8)

Ad-muncher uses an optin method too. But the list of approved processes is rather long in ad-munch. I’ve reviewed that and it includes many types of IM soft, Winamp and Windows Media Player and some other which I wouldn’t like to be enabled by default. At present I vote for manual avast4.ini editing for the ad-munch users. Sorry

To enable webshield scanning for Ad Muncher edit the avast4.ini file and add or edit this line:



Thanks for the info, Technical :slight_smile:


On my computer I can only make the WebShield works with Ad Muncher if I put “OptinProcess=admunch.exe” and put a proxy on my browser (localhost:12080) :frowning:
Isn’t possible to work without make a proxy?
