I am using free Avast version. Web shield is not turning on. ‘Turn On’ button is not responding. Is it a paid feature.
No, it is part of free product.
I would try a repair first. Proceed as though you where uninstalling Avast!, but choose the repair option when it is presented.
I am using free version of Avast 5. The Web shield is not turning on. ‘turn on’ button is not responding. Is it a paid feature? It was working earlier though. Please guide.
Same question, different words, here.
Please just use one thread to post problems. Makes it easier for the helpers to follow.
What firewall do you use?
What AV was installed before Avast?
remember if you are using admuncher too that will turn it off also u have to look up the settings to make them work together but once set no problems i dont know if thats your problems but i figure i add that just in crease