I just formatted & reinstalled a friend’s XP Home machine due to being too infected to fix.
It goes without saying, I installed Avast as part of my normal ritual.
In showing her how Avast’s web shield module protects her, and would have prevented her last infection, I launched Opera and loaded a known infected website [JS Fake AV] that I use to show people how awesome Avast is. ;D
Avast triggered as expected, however, the JS executed regardless behind the Avast warning.
I clicked the abort connection button and the damn script continued to run.
I can go to the same site with my machine and the JS never loads as Avast holds the connection and nukes it completely as soon as I click abort.
As I said, Avast detects the threat and brings up the “abort connection” dialog box.
But, it doesn’t abort when I press the button. The warning goes away and the script continues to run.
This can unfortunately sometimes happen with v4.x… given the way it works, and the way the server sends the data. Avast 5 should not have this problem.