Web Shield not scanning on second computer

I have Avast Home 4.7.892 installed on both my desktop (the primary connection) and laptop (secondary, kept in a different room), the latter connects to the internet via Windows XP Internet Connection Sharing system. The Web Shield on the laptop does not scan browsing HTTP and the file scanned count remains on zero; AshWebSv.exe appears in Task Manager processes.
The Web Shield functions properly on the desktop (primary). Should Web Shield be able to function on both?

It should work on both… Do you use any proxy (annonimizer) or is there any other configuration on the laptop that could interfere?
If you uncheck the option ‘Ignore local communication’, what do you get?

I’m not technically minded but as far as I am aware there is nothing on the laptop that should stop Web Shield scanning.
Not sure exactly what you meant by ‘‘if you uncheck the option ‘ignore local communication’, what do you get?’’, but I unchecked that item, ok’d, then still observed Web Shield afterwards to not function.

I mean, uncheck the option and boot the computer (laptop) :wink:

Okay, I unchecked that option and rebooted the laptop. Still the Web Shield not scanning.
(I should add I’ve already tried uninstalling and reinstalling before first posting)
I appreciate I am still getting the protection of Standard Shield so my laptop is not exactly at the mercy of viruses/ malware :smiley: But I’d rather have Web Shield working too!

Maybe you can activate logging in WebShield:

  1. Edit \data\avast4.ini file
  2. Find the section [WebScanner]
  3. Add the line:
  4. Restart Web Shield in XP (terminate and start again) or whole PC in case of Win98
  5. Browse (trying to access some webpages)

The log file are \data\log\ashwebsv.log and ashwebsv.ws.
They would be accessible when WebShield is terminated again.
Post them here or send by mail to rypacek (at) asw.cz
After that, disable the logging to avoid a big log file.

EnableLogging=1 didn’t make Web Shield work…was it supposed to?

Hi greenhatch!

No, this change is suppose to enable the logging of Web Shield work, & now you need to post that log file here , or to the email that Tech gave in his previos post

No offence Avatar2005, but Tech is dealing with this matter for me, thanks :slight_smile:

Ok… But I only want to help you.
Sorry… :-[

Tech, you are probably busy now, so I’ve zipped up the log files and emailed them. Hope you and the team can help.

No. Just logging, not working.
The log could have the necessary info to troubleshoot.
You’ve sent an email to Lukas (not to me), the guy who is WebShield guru 8)

I notice that greenhatch makes reference to using AdMuncher along with the browser in previous posts in this forum - so a proxy being there/not being there may well be involved with the machine not scanning the http accesses.

I’ve asked this before ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

Morning Tech. So when you asked if I use any proxy, you were effectively asking if I use AdMuncher or BoClean or WinPatrol Plus or other such protection programs, besides Avast? Remember I admitted I’m not technically minded… pause for just the one ::slight_smile: here !
Answer is yes: on both my desktop and laptop.

AdMuncher seems to be a proxy application (HTTP proxies): http://www.admuncher.com/download.shtml
But don’t worry, I didn’t know either :stuck_out_tongue:

BoClean isn’t. It’s an antimalware.
WinPatrol is not either. WinPatrol monitors your computer from Adware, Spyware, Worms, Trojans Horses, Browser Helper Objects.

If you use a proxy, you need to configure WebShield to use a proxy.
I don’t know if this will help, but here there is a step-by-step instruction on how to set up a proxy server:

Greenhatch, there is not much we can decipher from the log, since it is empty (zero file length).

Anyway, if I remember correctly how ad-muncher works, it hooks the network access in Winsock and redirects to it’s own process (kind of a similar way WebShield is doing as well). The easiest way to configure both these programs together is to add the admunch.exe process name to list of WebShield monitored application. You can do that by editing the avast4.ini in C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\avast4\data\avast4.ini.

Find the section [WebScanner] and add the line:


That should help, however I don’t know why it does work on the primary computer without this modification. You should probably verify whether you have already done something similar on the primary computer as well.
