Web Shield problem.

Hi all,
I°ve got no answer in Czech Avast forum, so I try to ask my question here…

Well, I°m using little bit unusual web browser called Ghostzilla…and few month ago Web Shield works fine with this browser, but not now…It shows me number of tested files - 0…
When I try to add line OptinProcess=ghostzilla.exe into avast.ini file nothing happens and Avast is blocking intenert connection.
Can anybody help???

PS: Excuse my poor English, pls. Thnx.

I assume that you put the OptinProcess line in the [WebScanner] section ?

You also saying that you can’t connect when using ghostzilla and the web shield ?
If so it would appear that your optinprocess is working and your firewall is blocking the web shield, not avast blocking the internet connection.

What is your firewall ?
Does it allow ashWebSv.exe internet access ?

  • If it does delete the entries for them and reconnect to the internet, this will force the firewall to ask permission again.

Your English is fine.

Yes, I was putting OptinProcess in correct section.

I suppose that Web Shield doesn°t really work, because - even when I try to connect with MS IE - Web Shield still do nothing and shows zero scanned files…and with setting OptinProcess=Ghostzilla.exe I cannont conect with Ghostilla at all…interesting is, that in the same time I can connect with MS IE, but count of tested files is still 0.

My FW is Sunbelt Personal Firewall, connection for process ashWebSv.exe was allowed, I just delete according to your advice permission for ashWebSv.exe and connect to internet and…no process is asking for permission…

There is something rotten in this version of Avast… :-\

There is nothing wrong with avast, do you not think it is strange that even though you deleted the permission for ashWebSv.exe that your firewall didn’t challenge it.

To me that indicates a problem with the firewall, in much the same way as it was initially blocking ashWebSv.exe even though it supposedly had permission.

If there was truly a problem in this version of avast with the web shield it would be all over the forums but that simply isn’t correct. You can search and you will find the most common issue is firewall blocking ashWebSv.exe as avast isn’t a firewall, just a scanner.

Strange… does this happen even after booting?

Yes. Nothing happens. And after upgrading to new Avast built web shield appears still dead…

What is your operating system?

Win XP Home-less Edition with SP2 and all patches and updates…

Activate logging in WebShield:

  1. Edit \data\avast4.ini file
  2. Find the section [WebScanner]
  3. Add the line:
  4. Restart Web Shield in XP (terminate and start again) or whole PC in case of Win98
  5. Browse (trying to access some webpages)

The log file are \data\log\ashwebsv.log and ashwebsv.ws.
They would be accessible when WebShield is terminated again.
Post them here or send by mail to rypacek (at) asw.cz
After that, disable the logging to avoid a big log file.

Am I stupid??? :o I was adding line this way…


…and file size of log is zero bytes and log is still empty…timestamp of log file shows something change today, but why is it empty???


Are you using any proxy application? Like an annonimizer?
Seems that nothing is being scanned by WebShield… Does the counter of the provider increase when you browse?

Also, the .mdmp files are related to mini dumps of avast malfunction… ???

I´m using Sunbelt Personal Firewall with Avast only, no other appz like anonymizer are instaled.
Is anybody using same combination of FW and AV??? Should I uninstall Avast and install it again?

Do you use the paid version of Kerio (with privacy options) or just the free one?
If you uninstall Kerio firewall, will avast work?