Web shield setting "Scan web traffic of uncommon applications" unchecked

I was looking through my Web Shield settings and saw that there is a newer setting that I don’t recognize seeing where it says Scan web traffic of uncommon applications and it is unchecked. Was this something that was added in a recent UI update? I also am curious if it is unchecked by default, as it seems like something that should be selected.

Using Program version 24.4.6112 (build 24…4.9067.835) and UI version 1.0.808.

I guessing here, but from the wording I suspect it relates to non browser (uncommon and suspicious applications) specific connections.

It isn’t checked on my settings and I wasn’t really aware of it until your post.

That said, I would have expected something new tike this to have an entry in the Program Release noted posted in the forum.

EDIT - That said 2:
From memory there are topics relating to alerts and the connection was initiated by a windows function - windows executable system.exe. This used to be a common trick of old for malware to misuse this windows executable.

It could have come through in an emergency update or as part of a UI update which don’t always happen through a whole program update, and it’s also not mentioned in any of the recent Beta threads. The reason I’m certain it’s pretty new is because I was in the Core Shields setting area not more than a week ago and didn’t see it then.

If it’s not checked by default I guess that means it’s either not super important or an experimental feature that they don’t think should be turned on yet by novice users who are unlikely to check settings any way (Malwarebytes does this from time to time), but then that would raise the question as to why it’s in there to begin with?

EDIT: Regarding your EDIT about alerts related to non-Browser connections (Usually svchost.exe), those were still already being blocked by the Web Shield. If this is referring to that, why would they uncheck it?

Yes, that was an example that in that case the web shield is all over that. But I think the wording in the Web Shield settings is this is likely to be expanded as I said to cover (uncommon and suspicious applications) presumably in the same way.