my friend has Avast 6.0 home edtion free installed with Firefox 4 on Windows 7 and his speedtests are slow when web shield is turned on?
15Mbps off
7Mbps on
I do not get this problem with avast
can anyone help with this?
my friend has Avast 6.0 home edtion free installed with Firefox 4 on Windows 7 and his speedtests are slow when web shield is turned on?
15Mbps off
7Mbps on
I do not get this problem with avast
can anyone help with this?
Some decrease must happen: WebShield needs to scan the http traffic and this takes resources.
Protection and resources must to find a balance.
not this much lol - its not happening to me and i have avast
webshields off: 15Mpbs
webshields on: 7Mbps
doesnt make THAT much of a difference - persoanlly i think its corrupt code in his Avast or Flash thats messing with the speedtest results
also if webshields are turned off - will file-shields still scan the web files on the PC? or is this process set dedicated to web type files like html, css, js, aspx, php etc etc and these files missed out by file shield?
The idea of dedicated providers is to reach the balance. A dedicate provider could scan deeper, better and faster some contents that the other will take much more resources. Web Shield scans the traffic and block malicious content before anything is saved in your browser cache. But, indeed, after the file is already saved in your disk, when executed, will be scanning by File Shield according to its settings.
But the decrease is too high in your case :
thats my friends comp - me and other users on my forum have no problems at all - pages are as fast as they were without avast, talking milliseconds in delay if theres any… which is correct…
its just him, he gets it on chrome too and has re-installed Flash aswell… and reinstallaed AVAST