Web Shield switching off on its own

I’m in the process of rolling out Avast Business to my Mac users, mostly running Catalina. I’m using Jamf Pro to do the deployment of the DMG file downloaded from Avast Business Console, with a post download script that utilizes hdiutil and installer to mount and install the PKG file inside the DMG. I pre-deploy a profile via MDM that enables full disk access and kernel extension support to avoid having users manually approve the preferences: the majority of our users have standard accounts and wouldn’t be able to do so.

This seems to be working for the most part, but the Web Shield is turned off by default for these installer deployed Avast instances. When a user turns Web Shield on (by temporarily elevating to admin), it remains in that state for a while, but eventually reverts to Web Shield being off within a few minutes. This does not appear to be happening for folks who installed the Avast PKG file directly.

Is there anyone experiencing a problem like this one? Could this be the difference between installing the PKG using installer as a root non-UI process vs. double clicking and launching the PKG from Finder?

I have passed it to our business team to look at it
Kind regards,
Ondrej Kolacek

Hello Roey,

please, could you create the technical support package from the station, where this issue is currently happening, and send it to us? We’ll try to look at it.

Thank you in advance

Kind regards,
Libor Ambruz

Looks like this was a newbie configuration error. The Web Shield Mac setting is now configured properly and all is well. Sorry for the false alarm.