Web shield vs Network shield

Is there a need for me to run the Web shield when the Network shield is already up? I connect to the internet thru a wireless router, and the network shield shows that is scans the web.

On a separate note, I have not been able to access the internet with the web shield up. I thought it might be because of my firewall, Comodo, but when I exit the firewall it still doesn’t work.

They are 2 different things with different methods/purposes. So you certainly compromise some security by turning one off.

I’m betting you mean “browser” access, not total connection loss?

I think…

Web shield is browser based protection…

Network shield is connection based protection…

They Are Both Two Different Things:

  • Avast Web Sheild -

This Will Scan The Website And Eliminate Any Threats Detected Before They Access Your System.

  • Avast Network Sheild -

This Will Stop Any Virus’s From Other Computers Being Sent Over Across The Network. E.G: Transfer File From GamingComputer To WorkingComputer Which Has A Virus In. Avast Will Stop The Virus Being Sent. Also, This Blocks Access To Known Malicious URL’s.

Hope This Helps! ;D