web shield will not restart

When I temporarily disable Avast 2015 for scan or installation, Web Shield will not restart. I have to restart the computer to restart Web Shield. Any suggestions?

I’m sorry for the duplicate post. I received an error message indicating I entered the captcha incorrectly.

go to UI-> Settings → Active protection. What status you see there ON/OFF?
What happen if you try to change the status there (disable and enable)?


All 3 shields are on. I disabled Web Shield via active protection. Attempted to turn it on and it would not. Computer froze up, got message if I wanted to close or wait. I waited and then Web Shield started.

whole computer froze up or only Avast GUI window stops responding? We have known similar issue, which is reproducible on our machine and we are working on a fix.


This is a KNOWN problem. Dunno if Avast will fix it or not. They really should though.


I thought it was the computer. I tried again and it restarted with no problem from Active Protection interface. Shut off all 3 shields via main interface and then restated from there. It worked again.

Not being able to restart the web shield has been a problem since I updated to Avast 2015. In fact I uninstalled and reinstalled yesterday. It has continued so I decided to ask for assistance. Now it works. Do you have a long distance magic wand?

I tried disabling again. Turned on and computer slowed way down. Web Shield would nt initially start, but it did. I agree. I think Avast needs to fix this.

It might work for a while. Try doing it few times and see if it’s REALLy fixed.

Exactly, it works sometimes, sometimes NOT.

I didn’t have this problem with Avast 2014. Actually I think the 2015 version slows down everything.

This wasn’t problem with 2014, it came with 2015.

Can I assume Avast monitors this forum?

They have not said a word about this issue. Hope they have seen this and will fix it.

Sorry, they are working on this issue.

That is good news. I was beginning to think I had some OS issues.