I use a baby sitter site for my wife and I (www.sittercity.com) and last night the graphics, etc… were all missing. I thought it was a problem with their web site, but when I turned off the “Web Shield” it displayed fine.
Does anyone have any advice/reasons as to why Avast! Web Shield makes this site not display correctly?
I just clicked on it and it all comes in fine. What browser are you using? Do you have your flash player up to date? Are you using any sort of ad blocker or firewall? I am using Avast 4.8 with web shield on.
That’s weird. Thanks for checking the site and giving me feedback.
I’m using IE 7.0 on Vista Ultimate 64-bit. Like I said, the site worked fine maybe two days ago, I wonder if it has to do with a recent Avast! 4.7 update?
I did make another post asking about upgrading to 4.8, maybe that would fix the problem?
Thanks again and looking forward to more feedback.
I don’t know about the update helping. I’m on 4.7 and recieved an update about 30 min. before I tried the link. Like Dieselman asked, anyother security programs that may interfere with webshield? It is strange.
Well it looks rubbish for me too Using Firefox, but I doubt it has anything to do with the web shield, as it isn’t a browser so hasn’t any page layout features.
It also looks rubbish with Avant, an IE clone, and snap with IE6, the page layout is all over the place.
I checked the w3c Markup Validator and it gives many errors on the page so it could be bad xhtml coding that is causing the problem. W3C Markup - SitterCity
In a way, it’s good to hear that it looks like yuck to someone else. I have tried various browsers and machines. The only common problem is the Web Shield with Avast. Only when it’s disabled does that site come up right.
I think we definitely have a bug here with the web shield. Last night at home some web pages did not load. I had to keep refreshing. I updated my work laptop today from 4.7 to 4.8 and same thing. Every once in awhile a page does not load. Firefox says error and I have to click try again.
Well with the web shield paused it still looks messed up in firefox, with it paused the traffic still goes through the proxy but isn’t scanned. With the web shield Terminated the page displays fine in firefox, so I’m not sure what the interaction is on that page with the web shield.
Tried it again, the page loads fine and the pictures change. Something it didn’t do yesterday. I didn’t know it was supposed though. Either the problem on the page was fixed or there is something in webshield 4.8
Yes working fine today with web shield enabled. So I don’t know what was going on yesterday with many able to see it OK and some only seeing a ‘messed’ up display, computers ;D
I confirm, that site is now displaying fine for me today with all the shields up.
Very odd and maybe something changed on that site’s side?
The only issue I have now is, whenever I go there (and other sites?) Avast! gives me messages (bottom right) about the pages I’m visiting - briefly. I must have enabled something to display that - but what?
You can turn it off going to the Standard Shield provider settings, Advanced tab an unchecking ‘Show detailed information on action performed’. You can do this for the other providers too, specially WebShield.