I manage www.bredstrup-pjedsted.dk. I am told by some PC Avast users that they are blocked from http://www.bredstrup-pjedsted.dk.
I do not use avast and i can’t figure out what the problem is. Can you help?
Webpage is on a defaced site server, see: http://support.clean-mx.de/clean-mx/portals.php?ns5=ns2.gratisdns.dk&sort=firstseen%20DESC%20&response=alive → {“timestamp”: “1375609975”, “sha256”: “1086e04072d6b391ccc236ec07f9c7137455714a69275a65ff493451873901c8”, “analysis_url”: “/en/url/1086e04072d6b391ccc236ec07f9c7137455714a69275a65ff493451873901c8/analysis/1375609975/”, “result”: 1, “verbose_msg”: “Invalid URL”}
Severity: Potentially Suspicious
Reason: Detected potentially suspicious content.
Details: Detected potentially suspicious initialization of function pointer to JavaScript method eval __tmpvar176321354 = eval;
See: http://urlquery.net/queued.php?id=36137713
Webrep OK: http://www.webutation.net/go/review/bredstrup-pjedsted.dk
You can file up a FP report if you feel your website is clean…