WebRep mouseover

I cannot find any option to turn off the mouseover popup for webrep on my Google search result pages. I’m looking at my results, the mouse moves, and all of a sudden I get a big popup for webrep. This is extremely annoying – enough so that I am considering disabling webrep which, otherwise, seems like a good thing. If I want the popup, then I am fully able to click the icon by myself.

How can I disable the mouseover popup?


You can disable JS.
Or use a tool like NoScript.

And then I lose the preview that Google provides… and maybe the ajax suggestions as I type
my search args. I suppose I could come up with a greasemonkey script to modify webrep’s behavior…

Why do popup blockers exist? Among other things, because people do not like things popping
up and interfering with what they are doing.

As I look at Google’s search results, I move the mouse to scroll the page, to use Google’s
preview, etc. I >do not< want big boxes popping up that obscure and interfere with my
examination of the search results.

I >do not mind< webrep’s rating. If I want to see more info then I can click the icon. But
I >do not want< these big, BIG, dark grey popups.

I don’t think that it is too much to ask for an option that turns off this behavior.

If any webrep developer reads this, then please take this into consideration.

Thank you.