for the last few hours webrep is not working for me is it just me?
Working fine here on firefox 12.0.
All good here on IE9
For me it works always in IE but doesnt work a lot of times in chrome ;D
ok thanks i still have firefox 9 will try updating to firefox 12
You’re welcome, but the webrep worked for me on all the later firefox versions.
So I don’t know if thee may not be something else in the mix, but getting the latest version of firefox is advised anyway (security and bug updates).
still not working in my firewall i see that firefox is sending data to the webrep server but notting is getting in,
i alway see 194b out 0b in
also still using avast 6 could this be the problem?
try reinstalling webrep? see screenshot.
remember to restart firefox after uninstalling and reinstalling.
reinstalling webrep did not work . i think i will try installing avast 7 but i need to look if the problem with comodo firewall are fix
i think i will wait till tomorow i think it could be a DNS problem because connextion to for me are
and when i look online the ip seem to be
im not sure but if changed ip and the dns is not updated the connextion are going to the wrong ip thats why im not getting a relpy from the server.