Webrep not working

Hello all -

Not sure if this should be posted in another thread, but I have two computers, one Win7 and the other XP. In today’s update 7.0.1474, webrep isn’t even showing as an extension inside Chrome. I’ve tried rebooting, removing that service and reinstalling etc. all to no avail. This was the case in the previous version too, but only in the XP. Win7 was fine, but haven’t had a chance to try the newest version in Win7 yet.

Thanks much!

Try a repair…Control Panel>Programs and Features/Uninstall>double click avast>scroll down to and click “repair”>reboot.
I have Win7 and WebRep works fine in both Firefox and Chrome. :slight_smile:

Repair says that it resets everything to default settings which would mean that this exercise would be about 30+ minutes of reviewing all the myriad settings of my avast! That really should be a last resort, though it sounds like avast! is having major and persistent troubles with the webrep module if my scanning of topics is any indication. It seems more systemic, so I’ll wait to see whether they release another version that repairs the problem itself.


Well, for me ‘repair’ on setup process always kept all the settings.
Anyway, you can export your avast! settings and import it later in a new installation.

Yes, the settings have been retained for me any time I have used the Repair. Doesn’t hurt to periodically Backup your Settings, avastUI, Settings, Maintenance, Settings Backup. If you ever do a clean install or have somehow lost the settings you can Restore the saved backup.

Thanks for the advice. You know, I’ve used avast! for a couple of years now, and I didn’t know you could export settings!

Thanks for letting me know…you learn something new everyday.


You’re welcome.