Webrep on avast! version 6.0.1000 won't install on IE8

It works on my Firefox 4.0, but it sure doesn’t work on IE8! Can any avast!er help here?

Have you cleaned your PC infection yet? ::slight_smile: You have started about 5 threads about things not working for you recently, “accidentially” mentioning that you are infected.

You didn’t know? It’s my laptop that has the decompression bomb (which does zero harm)and the desktop’s the one with the other infections.

No, I did not know. You posted about a rogue AV installed on your PC. http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=75515.0

Stop wasting our time with these games.

Easy… You’re not the owner of the forum.
If you don’t want to “play the game”, don’t post, don’t read, don’t try to help.

I agree with Tech!

This might sound like a broken record. But, have you tried to do a repair.
Click…control panel…click add/remove…double click…avast…scroll down…click…repair.
Or re-run set-up package then click…repair.

Have you tried…GUI…Additional protection…WebRep…select?

I have found quite a few problems can be fixed by using repair. :slight_smile:

This thread is resolved. It installed, it just doesn’t show the ratings.

IE9 sure does!

Why does YoKenny want me to use IE9?

Don’t worry… He wants to sell me Windows x64 with all his efforts ;D

You should always keep your pc up to date for dealing with exploits. I upgraded to IE 9 but I haven’t used IE in 8 years or so. Use Firefox and ignore IE. Just my 2 cents.

When I do update it, the program says its up to date. (6.0.1000)

That’s avast! indicating it is up to date.

Five Reasons You Should Switch to IE9
Windows Internet Explorer 9 for Windows 7 64-bit Edition http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=62e67358-da9a-499d-aa19-eb93996ca8e0

Sorry but if I switch I’ll lose my server support and stuff.

Thanks Guys! I found out the problem. I had avast! webrep disabled in the add on system. Wonder why it didn’t do it for fire fox?