WebRep on french need fixes...

Hi i did encounting somes problems with WebRep which could help if you can fixes them.

  1. When u go in google and search something random and move your cursor to the 3 bars its show avast! WebRep but there a “|” between “W” and “e” of Web.

  2. Open the user interface and go to WebRep and you will see when its installed its still say that the plugin is not installed but in the browser its there and its work also the picture is in color to say that it is installed so maybe something like conflict between installed and not installed…

Note : I use the french version of internet security so be sure that this is fixed. I would like to provide you more assistance on somes others bugs i did encounter. If you can please tell me here so i can give you the topic for it. As its somes serious problems that can make avast! to appear bad.

Specs : IE 8 - Vista 32 bit


YoKenny, thanks for reporting this. It is a graphical glitch. Will be fixed soon.

Im not YoKenny… lol ;D im just Mr.Agent.

But Kurt or any avast! team can you please check this topic for me i did encounter others glitchs and bugs.

