Webrep popup

I like to have the rating with the green bars but I’d like it not to pop the rating window every time my mouse happens to move of the green bars.

Is that possible?

I’m not sure. ???

in top right corner, there is a help file…have you looked there ?

I don’t remember the behavior because I don’t use it, but what the OP is saying is that he doesn’t want WebRep window to pop up when he just hovers his mouse over it… and probably rather when he purposely clicks on it :wink:

Again I’m not sure if just hovering triggers the popup or not… if not, he’s got a Windows or browser configuration issue.

It does in the search results, it effectively shows the left half (scaled down) or the full vote screen

yeah you’re definitely right… I was thinking of the toolbar icon and not the ones that appear in front of each entry in search view. So hovering to trigger the popup is an expected and normal behavior there. Google’s own site previews work like that.

I like the idea of the rating but the popup is annoying.

Not quite though - you have to click on one of the magnifiers once, that turns previews on, another click turns it of again. I like that better. The WebRep popus are big and they can be annoying.