webrep slows google chrome

Since a week I have noticed that webrep is causing slowness also in chrome. Many people have reported this issue on firefox, but I have this problem also on chrome. Google search is very slow and webrep needs a lot of seconds to make the icons appear or become green. I have tryed to disable webrep and chrome works good without it. When I enable webrep the browser works fine for some hours, but then the issue appears again and slows my browser. This is very strange! Has anyone the same problem with chrome version 23.0.1271.64?

no one can help me?

The only thing you can do for now is disable webrep. I assume this will be fixed in the next software update.

+1 :slight_smile:

ok thanks!

too bad, I also experienced a terrible slow down, I’m using bitdefender’s TrafficLight now, works very well