How do we really know that the voting is really functional?
Because i already voted 10 times already on 2 different IP’s and different dates.
Waited for 2 weeks!
The outcome is that the site i voted is not rated on webrep.
It is best if avast will make a voting result site so we could know that its not the Avast team doing the reputation or voting the site.
March 21, 2011, 1:24pm
You didn’t answer my post.
Im asking is that im voting for almost 2 weeks but the site is not yet rated based on my votes.
And im asking that Avast team should make a Webrep voting result site so we could know that the voting is really functional for the users to vote.
How can we vote if were not seeing the total vote result?
I hope you got my point. Ok?
March 21, 2011, 2:42pm
Yeah I did answer. Unfortunately you didn’t get it. Starting another 100000000000000000000000000000000000000 threads about WebRep won’t change the situation faster. Read the other threads linked.
You gave me this link.
The TS saying that “Webrep of AVAST say RED !!! not true !!infact WOT signed GREEN …all ok ! why avast webrep
signed RED Huh?”
He is not voting. Ok?
The other link you’ve given to me.
He didnt vote also.
March 21, 2011, 2:51pm
WebRep is a work in progress, has server issues and needs more votes for sites so that they actually display some rating. And no, they do NOT want a voting website since that’d require user registration. And yeah, OK - outta here, lets flood this forum with more threads since people can’t continue in existing ones. Ktnxbye.
:-X : >:(.
March 21, 2011, 3:01pm
Well, the site wouldn’t be rated because of one user. (Even, if you vote 1000+ times)
I was thinking Webrep is more likely WOT? correct me?
If we visit WOT you will see who voted for Good or Bad ratings.
For Avast? How can we know that we actually voted? without the actual evidence of numbers of votes for the site.
Actually i use 2 different IP.
My point is that is really Webrep voting functional?
So where is the evidence of users voting?
[b]A hypothetical question
What if 10,000 users voted Avast as illegal/warez, alcohol drugs?
Will the webrep appear the result to Avast? [/b]
And this will really happens to other sites. If the Webrep voting is really functional.
March 21, 2011, 3:10pm
If you allow the cookie from avast, you’ll see it.
You mean we can see total of number of votes?
Actually im really 99% that only Avast team decides the result of webrep.
In plenty of users post Avast as a ugly but i dont believe it which Avast is really good product.
Now lets go back to topic.
I know plenty of people will explore on Webrep voting and try crazy things to vote.
If we connect from to Avast.
And if webrep is really functional then Avast will not be perfect score on webrep.
This will apply to other site also.
March 21, 2011, 3:24pm
No, but you can see, that you voted and what you voted.
WebRep is a work in progress, has server issues and needs more votes for sites so that they actually display some rating. And no, they do NOT want a voting website since that’d require user registration. And yeah, OK - outta here, lets flood this forum with more threads since people can’t continue in existing ones. Ktnxbye.
:-X : >:(.
No need for users to register.
I only want the NUMBER RESULT of people voted posted on their site. For evidence.
March 21, 2011, 3:32pm
For that you don’t need any website, can be done in the browser extension.
A crazy idea for TESTING is that if a majority people here will try to vote Avast as alcohol drugs if it really works the webrep.
March 21, 2011, 3:39pm
That’s really crazy. :o ;D
You, as one user, could vote a million times for a site and it would only count as one vote. That prevents, to some extent, stuffing the ballot box.
I already know that 1 vote per IP.
No need to explain for that.
Im asking is the voting really accurate?
Since Avast webrep were public release? it was automatically rank as perfect rating on Avast website.
Do you really believe that the ratings were based on votes? Show us the TOTAL VOTES
Or Avast team is really doing the ratings for the sites?
For me voting is useless if their is no evidence.
Indeed, it won’t be bad if avast shows the total number of votes.
Reliability and transparency are necessary.