There is no such problem with Firefox 3.0.1 and the web shield enabled.
It appears that you problem might be you are accessing a web page directly and not via the home page as this site appears to use frames, see image 1. As your URL in the address field differs from my image 1.
I have gone to the home page link you gave and clicked the HUSORDENSREGLER link on the left and no problem.
Hmmm… Seems like these changes also fixed the issue when combined with WebWasher.
But this problem occurred with all browsers (so maybe the WebWasher proxy has a simlar problem like Opera).
Sure hope avast! will continue to work together with WebWasher. I know of no better ads filter!
For Firefox, yes. WebWasher works with ALL browsers.
And work with ALL other applications that user browser windows
(even removes ads inside Steam
And the filter files for WebWasher is easy to edit.
I have not tried AdBlock (as I WebWasher works 100%) but I think a filter should be in the pipeline between the source and the browser (like WebShield is too) and not a part of the browser itself.
The thing I like about WebWasher is that it removed the HTML code that load the ads before the HTML code is sent to the browser. That way those links never reach the browser and are never downloaded at all.
I don’t know how ad-block does this, but when surfing on a slow like (like GPRS/EDGE) the feature of never downloading any ad content improves speed (downloading and just not displaying won’t help there).
Can you post the link to WebWasher main page? Google returns an error while searching for it…
Download could be faster, but proxy takes resources and then the overall speed could be slower. Only testing says the truth, imho.
Works on Vista. Have installed it on a friends Vista.
BUT if you “switch user” it gives an error message.
That is just because it is allready running.
Apart from that I have seen no problem on Vista.
She is running on a non-admin account too.