Webshield blocks scripts

I think the Webshield in Avast 5 Free is too sensitive.

For example when I go to http://www.historyasia.com/, it says there are 7 trojans. I sent them to Avast for further examination and excluded this URL in Webshield.

How soon does Avast update its definitions to correct false positives like this?

I don’t think there’s anything to fix - the scripts have a malicious javascript appended at the end.
OK, the script is actually commented out (and the comment even says “malwarescript”)… the webmaster must be a pure genius to leave it there - but I certainly wouldn’t call it a false positive.

Many website are hacked now a day. Trust avast! when he say that website contain a malicious script or is a malicious url.

Its saved me many time my pc to get taked over by hacker. Who ever you say its a false positive and turned off avast! for go to this website. Be at our risk and dont blame them to dont have alert you.

Now a day you are never alone in internet. So i suggest when avast! come to a detection of a website malicious. Be sure to click the “X” or click “Home” of your browser then leave alone that website.


This page seems to be

VirScan - unp63378591.tmp

VirScan - unp260049508.tmp

I thought Avast gave false positives for this website as Norton Antivirus didn’t detect anything there. After reading all your comments, I will take Mr Agent’s advice and not have any exclusions at all.

Thanks to all of you for your helpful comments.

However, if Avast does give false positives for a website and I submit them to Avast, how fast does Avast check and correct the false positives for that website?

avast! is probably the best you can have when it comes to the detection of infected websites - so it’s not surprising that other products don’t detect anything where avast! does.

As for the false positives, it’s hard to say exactly - but I’d say usually in the next virus database update, i.e. in a few hours / next day.

Google Safe Browsing Diagnostic page for historyasia.com - another useful tool to check

Thanks. I’ll use this next time Avast says a page has problems.

Thanks, Igor, for your reply. As you said, other products may not detect anything. Norton Safeweb reports it as safe:


I put the above link into Trend Micros Online URL query and it came up as;

Virus_Accomplice; Disease_Vector

I have to agree that avast! is top notch when it comes to malicious javascript sites.


avast! has been detected malicious html/JS attacks when I clicked the search buttom in Google to display results. The last was 2 day ago. Detected as JS-ScriptIP-ing

What a GREAT test. Thank you very much.
My safeties worked perfectly. First my NoScript
in Firefox just blocked the offending script, then when I let it thru Firefox,
avast operated seamlessly and simply blocked the infection. I love it!!!
Whoo-hoo! ;D ;D ;D
And yes, that is a junk script that needs to be removed from that page. I would suggest sending the pages webmaster a note on it.

I wrote tohttp://www.historyasia.com/ informing them of the malicious scripts. Although I didn’t receive a reply, I think they fixed their site as there are no more Avast warnings when I visit it.