webshield corrupts browsing??

Hi there.

Im using avast free on a fully updated xp pro machine with zonealarm pro ( privacy settings disabled in ZA ).

When i browse ANY website the page becomes corrupted… windows’s and icons and background “boxes” are moved and i see html-code instead of the real hp… when using F5 1/10 times i succeed in loading the page correcly… i also see 404 sometimes…

when i disconnect my connection to the internet the problem is gone… when im browsing a hp downloaded with webshield disabled and afterwards trying to browse it with internet connected and webshield activated it still makes trouble…

i know for sure that it either is a virus or a bug in the webshield…

things i’ve tried:

full avast scanning of every drive in the pc… full scanning with panda antivirus 2007 fully updated ( uninstalled avast and installed panda, just to try another av-tool. ), scanning with Trendmicro’s Housecall online av-tool, scanning for spyware with ad-aware SE and spybot SD.

i have had the problem a couple of months ago… i had to do a complete windows reinstall to get rid of the problem. i will NOT reformat this time… cant be true i cant fix this…

here’s a screenshot with a google-browsing:

I am really lost… i have no idea to do next…

Any good advices guys? :slight_smile:

Tonni Lerche.

I have no idea what the problem is as it is unlike any consequence of the web shield and ZA Pro with privacy enabled (even thought you say it is disabled).

The normal issue is not being able to log on to the likes of Yahoo and Hotmail as it moves from an http page to validating logon on an https (secure) page and back to a http page. But there is no page formatting issue.

What browser are you using and have you tried a different one ?
Did you set it up to use the web shield proxy as outlined in the Tutorials below ?
Does Terminating the Web Shield provider have any effect ?

However, I suggest you at least check out this information, if for no other reason than elimination purposes as the fault and ensure the transparent proxy is disabled and your browser/s are set manually to use the web shield proxy.

  • ZONE ALARM - AVAST Web Shield compatibility dialogue - Install/Update Question - YES or NO. What did you answer it should have been Yes ?

If you answered incorrectly, use a text editor and edit the avast4.ini file, the default installation location is C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\avast4.ini (I would advise you copy avast4.ini before editing it, just in case).

Locate the line containing ZoneAlarmCompatibility= and delete that line (avast will ask again, answer YES) or change the value to =1. Save the edited avast4.ini file.

To manually configure your browser watch instructional video

For IE - broadband users: - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for IE
For IE - dialup users - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for IE (Dial-up)
For Firefox users - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for Firefox


i had installed IE7 a few weeks ago, so then the problem occured i tried uninstalling IE7 and went back to IE6xxx

Also occurs in newest version of Firefox ( 3 days old counting today with ).

I’ve just tried setting my browser up with mentioned proxy-settings and i’ve changed ZoneAlarmCompatibility from 0 to 1 ( i had answered NO when i installed it a couple of months ago ).

Problem still persists >:(

[edit] i’ve tried disabling different settings in the webshield… after disabling “use intelligent stream scanning” ( and enabling it again afterwards my test ) my problem is gone?

I’ve then removed the proxy-settings from my browser but kept the ZoneAlarm=1 thingy…

ill test it for tomorrow and let u know if any changes…

I just hate when things like this happens… god damn ghost ::slight_smile:

Testing in anything other than the correct settings isn’t going to achieve anything.

If you remove the proxy settings from your browser and the ZoneAlarmCompatibility=1 remains then your traffic isn’t using the transparent proxy nor been set-up manually to use it, so your http traffic isn’t being monitored or protected. Any test in this condition isn’t testing the web shield because it effectively isn’t being used by the browser.

Did you confirm ashWebSv.exe has internet permission in ZA Pro Program Control ?

You need to set everything back to the defaults (see image) and disable the transparent proxy (the ZoneAlarmCompatibility=1), you then need to manually set the web shield proxy in your browser/s.

still no problem…

i have never used proxy-settings in my browser… as far as i can remember, avast still works at it should ( lets say i download a rar-file with a infected file, avast pauses the download around 90% or so and wants me to “abort connection” ).

I dont use ZA’s program control… i only use it for inbound firewall/anti-hacking, nothing else.

Right now everything is configured as it were when i had the problem, EXCEPT ZoneAlarmCompatibility=1.

The fact you never set the proxy in the browser and you were using the web shield transparent proxy, even with the privacy function disabled, you still experienced issues. Ones that I’m unsure were related to the web shield proxy but problems non the less.

Simple fact, if you disable the transparent proxy and that is what ZoneAlarmCompatibility=1 does it disables the web shield transparent proxy, so you need to manually set-up the browser to use the proxy or you are unprotected.

You need only check these arrowed points to see that whilst the web shield is running, the scanned count is 0 and no last scanned file shown.

thank you alot :slight_smile:

now transparent proxy is up and running.

Your welcome.