WebShield on high:
IE > Loads the page to halfway than just hangs
Opera > Loads the page to 34Kb than hangs
FireFox > Loads the page for most part than hangs
Webshield on normal:
Same as with high settings
Webshield paused:
Same as with high settings
Webshield terminated:
All browsers open the page fine.
OS: Windows XP Pro SP2, fully updated.
Avast version: 4.6.623
FYI Johan: This is on another system than I used earlier to test.
Webshield is slowing down the opening of pages significantly in all 3 mentioned browsers.
This didn’t happened with versions of Avast prior to version 4.6.618
Eddy, we small changes were made in WebShield since 4.6.618 version. Do you mean that it slows down the browsing overall or just for this pages? Thanks. Lukas.
OOPS… :o
I thought I was the only one having an impact with slowdowns…I was hesitant to post. :-[
I agree that there appears to be a slowdown with version .623.
I am still testing, however, the initial results does show a negative impact on speed. :o
Guys, this is very serious. It’s virtually impossible that anything has changed from the 4.6.618 version to 4.6.623 version. The only feature the was added is the error logging into the ashWebSv.exe in case of HTTP error. This cannot cause any slowdown during browsing.
Nothing changed in here. Everything works perfectly and as fast as it was before. Not a single problem… even that web site mentioned in the first post in this thread ( http://web.planet.nl/planetdownload ) loads incredibly fast… see attachment…
I haven’t had a problem with pages not loading at all, but I’ve always felt that Web Shield caused a small but noticable increase in page load times. However, the additional protection makes it worth it, IMO. It would be nice if it didn’t slow things down, but it certainly does appear to do so.
just off the phone to my ISP (ntl:Broadband UK) immediatly blaming the browser issues on them and it wasnt even their fault - i was quite :-[ . They went through various different problems and until i kept pushing for answers he told me to disable my AV, est voila. I was on MSN Messenger & an IRC chat room so couldnt understand this issue - ONLY my browser was broken! I was only able to get onto a max of 2 pages (going to home page and then google) and then nothing else, and it was lucky to even get that far! Most times it wouldnt load the home page! Program design team can I kindly request that you release a fix for this issue because at present im wide open for viruses Just wanted to make everyone aware but it seems it isnt just my problem. Thanks, Niall
djnj, if you are having problems with Web Shield then just disable Web Shield! There’s no reason to turn off Standard Shield, Network Shield, IM Shield, Internet Mail Shield, etc.
right so just the web page thing is off? even though thats the one that hits me most with virii :\ ill live until they release a fix i guess. no dodgy sites for me then for another whilewhistles i guess if i get a virus avast will remove/delete it anyway once its in the system. Thanks much neiby thumbs up, Niall
You will still be protected from viruses if you leave the Standard Shield on. The Web Shield just adds an additional layer of protection against web-based attacks. With Web Shield turned off, you still get resident on-access protection from Standard Shield, the virus just has to be completely downloaded onto your computer before it is caught by Standard Shield, whereas Web Shield would have terminated the download.
Don’t leave yourself completely unprotected simply because of problems with Web Shield. You have excellent protection if you leave the other providers turned on and just leave Web Shield turned off.
In the Internet Explorer with the Webshield active, I cannot load the url:
I have the same as JohanL and Eddy.
That page downloads completely with Firefox only if the ashWebSv.exe is not handling its content. Otherwise the Firefox throbber will keep throbbing.
If I blank the redirected HTTP port 80, the page will download completely as the content is not going through Avast webshield proxy.
I cannot say anything about the speed though, it seems normal.
Well, of course it causes a slight delay. How anyone can expect that processor needs to do some additional tasks (this time invoked by webshield), and not take up some additional time. Anyway, how much protection we get, it’s unnoticeable how much time it takes. I can’t really see the difference on my ADSL anyway. Second thing… if we are talking about 0.123 seconds delay, then I don’t see the problem. Human’s brain is not capable to process those pictures that fast, so no point in trying to avoid that delay… if we are ready to have good protection, so we should be ok even with those small delays. If someone can’t wait that much for pages to show up, then he can just disable Web Shield. I am not aware of any other antivirus that offers web shield alike thing with faster access to web pages…
Hmm…after further review I notice that the page does not completely load for me with Web Shield turned on. With it on, the page does not completely load even after waiting 10-15 seconds. With Web Shield turned off, the page loads completely in just a couple of seconds.
Sure, we should expect that it causes some delay. What we really need to ask is how noticable it should be. Many people don’t seem to notice the delay on their system, while others do. In my case, it is a very noticable difference. I will still leave it turned on because of the extra protection, but even my wife comments on how much longer it takes to get to her web-based email, among other things.
It could be that some other factors as type of internet connections we use, and combination of some other security related programs are dealing with this issue…
Also, having hardware router/firewall affects the speed. I’m running my D-Link DI-604 without any problems… never ever had any problem with internet connection. I’m not saying some other, different types of routers and different router/firewall configurations can not cause some additional problems. All those factors should be checked, so Alwil can collect more useful information and work on this issue…
People, post your configurations, all other security programs installed on your system, especially those which runs in background (resident tasks), most important hardware components you have (like routers/firewalls) etc…
Then eventually, Alwil will see better what’s causing those problems on certain systems…
XP SP2 patched and a Sygate firewall with a cable tv modem connection.
Nothing else that I think would be affecting.
Btw, with IE that page does not download at all using ashWebSv.exe.
The http://web.planet.nl/planetdownload page indeed does not load completely with WebShield on. I’ll investigate the communication in the morning and we’ll see what we can do with this URL. Thanks for the heads up.