four providers start right away but Webshield and another provider (not sure which) take almost one minute to start, leaving me unprotected. A while back i was infected by “win32:junkpoly” right after boot and i think this was the reason. Paranoia has me unplugging the network cable until all 6 providers are running. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi, welcome to the forum.
What is the OS, and what other security applications are (or have been) installed?
Try a repair of Avast from the control panel “add/remove programs” (or the vista equivalent). Locate Avast in the list, select “change”, and from the options, select 'repair".
Try downloading, installing, updating and scanning with MBAM. This is a very good demand scanner/cleaner.
WebShield is started when http traffic starts in your computer.
You can set Webshield to start automatically (and not the default manually).
But, really, it’s more physiologic than real protection.
I’ve got 5 providers active on my system (Standard, web, email, network, and IM), and typically the web and email shields aren’t ready to go until a minute or two after the other 3. And they’re all showing as active before I connect to my ISP, so I doubt there’s any HTTP traffic before then – I’m on DSL/PPPoE, though, so I haven’t a clue what if anything I’m really connected to when all 4 lights on my router-modem are on but I haven’t yet “connected”.