Webshield tutorial

Hi -
I don’t use Win98se anymore but I wanted to point out that the tutorial for setting up webshield for IE, while technically not in error, could easily be misconstrued. In the port box, what the tutorial says to do is to type in 12080. The animation does in fact do this but then the “1” mysteriously drops out, leaving 2080 as the final number. Firefox, on the other hand, gets it right.


Now that worldwide use of Windows 98 is down to about 17 people perhaps it doesn’t matter much, but I thought I’d point it out.


Yes. I agree it is really a great mystery where the number of “1” is hidden. Do you have any suggestion how this may be fixed in the tutorial?

The tutorial was created by really recording the actual screens.
So, this is how it looked on our Win98 installation (the box is probably too small to house 5 digits).

I guess it depends on the screen resolution.


Maybe. It shows up at 800x600

One possibilty is to (alas) redo the IE tutorial using a smaller font for inserting the typed information. The font size is a function of the browser settings, which may explain why there was no problem in Firefox.