Website, and every code i backed up for it comes up as a THREAT

So about a month ago i got blocked from my own blogger.
I also made a post on here
I asked about my site, and was told that i need to update my virus definitions. I did, and things seemed to work well…until today.
Now, not only does my avast block my site, but it regards anything to do with the code associated with the site as a HIGH threat.
Even local backups of my sites code is regraded as a THREAT.
Threat:JS:Downloader-CER[Trj] to be exact fro all of them.

I dont know what to do at this point. Is this some sort of false-positive, or should i be generally concerned ?

Well now my virus definitions just updated automatically, and its on the site…and no warning.
Is something i should expect every-time avast updates there virus definitions ?

well…false positives happens now and then

next time you can report it here. change subject to suite your case