Website blocked and a general question


I had recently visited this website ionnor com to get contact details and thankfully…
Avast blocked this website due to some URL:Mal2 virus

In my Firefox browser i have latest NoScript installed with everything blocked like iframes, redirects, scripts. even on white listed sites. Also i do not have java plugin for Firefox and flash is normally blocked until i manually allow it.

So i want to ask after all these measure can still an infected website inject virus into my computer? if yes then how?

So i want to ask after all these measure can still an infected website inject virus into my computer? if yes then how?
as safe as you can be, nothing is 100% ..... the badguys always find a security hole.... if it is there




Thanks for the quick reply

I usually don’t visit unknown websites but this website is definitely an infected one.

the website seems to be down…

click picture in top right corner.

Thanks for the reply

So this means that Avast blocked the website because it is blacklisted by google or it blocked because it has actually saw the virus

when avast detect malware, it will give the malware name in the warning popup
URL:mal means the url is on a block list

No avast blocked it because of its own information.

The web shield is very hot on infected/hacked sites (a high proportion of infections come from them) it scans content, be that malicious content or signs of hacking, which would generally be trying to import data/run a script from another site. Whilst NoScript should prevent that script from running the web shield if is detects the malicious script alerts on it without it having to be run.

The avast Network Shield is also involved as it checks all connections to a site including links to external sites against its malicious sites list.