hxxp:// … is blocked by avast
For example hxxp://
In case you don’t understand Chinese, the problem is that when those Chinese users is watching video on popular video website (such as youku and toudu), avast alert this website as URL:Mal.
See the /download/ part, This IP is probably use as downloading file. Then it will be similar to this solved problem https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=149291.msg1084622#msg1084622
Yes there is need to change it. Not everyone is using avast.
Well, I tried. No matter which method you use, you CANNOT access anything though the link directly. You cannot even download the file within the link too. It is not for direct access!!! You will either get a connection timeout or just an error page. And that is the reason why I don’t change it, because you CANNOT go to that site.
BUT, you may get the content though some video in Chinese site like youku.
Anyway edited just in case there is still malicious content loaded on the “page not found” page.
There is a http communication error from that IP site and certainly issues.
Further down you read the why - because darknet cybercrimnal actions going on.
Well interesting info for rickkyyeung - seems Russian cybercriminals are busy setting up a Forma Cyber Attack
going after email addresses to use these a.s.a.p. as Malware Droppers - Sophos also seems aware.
Funny Yandex has not reacted, so probably the actions may be “condoned” by Russian officialdom.
Blacklist reactions came from: blocklist link status description
dev.null.dk link (
dev.null.dk ?
spamsources.fabel.dk (
What we can say is that avast! is very well informed here and right on top on what is going on! "Wielka brawa dla avasta!