website loading incorrectly


I just downloaded the free edition of Avast and noticed that some website do not fully load. Rather than the full site, I got what appears to be a low fi version. All white background with a list of links on the left hand of the screen and a few interspersed pictures.
I contacted one of the websites that was not loading correctly ( and received this response:

“The symptoms you describe indicate that Avast! may be preventing your browser from executing Javascript correctly. Sometimes computer software will block sites that are important for Facebook to operate. If you enter into your software’s “safe” list the problem should be resolved. I’m sorry for any inconvenience. Let me know if you continue to experience problems after attempting these solutions.”

Looking through the settings, I could not find any such “safe” list to enter this address. Could somone please point me to it? Also, will this fix the problem for all sites or just this particular one (
I’m not computer savvy so forgive me if I am missing something very simple.

Thank You

here is a screenshot:

I don’t have a bit of a problem with Facebook as I use IE7 with IE7pro.

woops I should have mentioned that it works fine on IE but not on Firefox

Download Firefox 3 and see what happens.

Nope… avast just scan the scripts and block only the infected ones.
There is an URL exception page, but I’m quite sure the page wrong display is not due to avast.
Maybe you can test with Firefox 3.

No problem with the display on the example image you posted.
Firefox 3.0.1 with avast 4.8.1229, web shield enabled.

I don’t visit facebook, being a dial-up user and the fact that there are many pieces of malware doing the rounds in facebook, myspace, etc.

Everything is working fine today…odd.

thanks all

No problem, welcome to the forums.