I report here the request of an user on the French forum who has a problem with the site of which he is administrator, he informed avast by the link “false positive” (end of January), but still has no answer .
If an evangelist could bring up the problem (or avast to take note here), I would follow the user who obviously masters English even less than me. https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=215184.0
I am a customer at avast and the administrator of the site hxxp://chymeres.org/
My site has been blocked by avast for several weeks but does not seem to be blocked by other antiviruses. In addition, my host OVH did not mention any infection and looking through an FTP client, I found nothing suspicious. I tried twice to report the problem with this link https://www.avast.com/en-us/false-positive-file-form.php without having an answer. I would like to know if my site is still a risk and if avast can tell me the precise cause for me to fix the problem.
Wait for an avast team member to give a final verdict, as we here are just volunteers with relevant knowledge,
but only avast team members can come and unblock.
polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)