Whenever Avast!'s forum sends out notification emails, it puts the links in secure server format. This is great and all, however it also causes a very large bug in which the entire forum’s theme breaks, and the whole site appears in plain text and URL’s+buttons, which is incredibly difficult to read due to the way it displays.
This issue should be corrected by the forum administration so that users that have email notifications turned on don’t get this bug.
I just noticed too that the emails aren’t always in https:// format, so it seems this bug is intermittent. If you have server/load balancing enabled, one of the servers could be set to use it and causing the issue.
I’ve seen that before, but forget what the cause is. Is it only at the Avast! site you see this?
Seems also the expectation is here that I or some other Uberevangelist! has the ability to directly fix the issue you are seeing, when what we really do is assist other Avast! users with whatever problems they report, and we really have nothing to do with the actual running of the actual website itself. Just wanted to clarify that, and also that this sort of thing is above my level. Still willing to learn new things, tho.
I will contact another expert Avast! user, Polonus, and see what he may have to say about this, as this sort of thing is possibly in his area.
Ya, it’s only on the Avast! forum. Alternatively, you can just change the protocol in the address bar, while on the forum, to https:// and it’ll do it too.
As for not being able to directly fix it, no worries, I understand. I assumed the same.