While I was reading WOT about websites, a website called www.hackthissite.org came upon my eyes(because of its name lol)
You do challenges to test your knowledge in hacking. I dont know if its to train black hats or not though. but WOT and SiteAdvisor give it green. THoughts on this?
The site is probably OK; I’m quite opposed to its existence, as it is the sort of place that would be exploiters will go to learn the “dark arts”. But then, on the other hand, freedom of information etc etc. It’s not the info that is a problem; it’s what an unprincipled user is likely to do with it. Same applies to a site that discusses bomb making techniques etc. Only a tiny percentage of folk are going to actually make and use one.
From a sticky at the site:
There is a lot of discussion about “illegal hacking” around here.
The policy is simple:
If you want to actually perform any illegal acts they may not be discussed here. This is not because we think the laws are justified - but because we want to stick around for a while.
If you want to discuss the theory of the law - when should something be (il)legal - go ahead and discuss.