I have no issues with the speed of the VPN, in fact, it’s generally pretty quick when connecting to a domain I’ve recently visited or it’s a big-name website (e.g. youtube).
The problem I have however makes the VPN pretty much unusable for general web browsing. When I first attempt to connect to a website, it’ll spend 10-15 seconds connecting before it connects, if I have multiple open at the same time - the same thing occurs, however, if I connect to a website like YouTube while this is going on, YouTube will instantly load. Once the website has loaded, all future requests to that domain are also instant. I’m unsure why this is happening, it only occurs when the VPN is on.
Does anyone know what’s going on?
Can you provide us with an example of a website on which you notice this behaviour?
Please also include the VPN location and browser you are using.
Please clarify which VPN mode you are using, Manual or Smart?
Any site, the first google search will take 10+ seconds “Resolving host” after that all future searches are instant. Any site I click from that google site will also take that 10+ seconds, but I click it again once it’s loaded once it’s fine.
Occurs in both Chrome & Edge
Occurs in both Manual & Auto
I’m using London, UK (Optimal Location).
I switched to Glasgow UK & the same thing occurs, in fact all the sites I had previously visited & had been instant I have to now wait 10+ seconds again for. Examples include Amazon, Facebook, YouTube, Google (insert any other website here).
I would suggest that you contact our support team via https://support.avast.com/en-gb/contact/ to look further into this issue.