DroidPatrol by BillP
Now all we need is an avast! version for the Droid. ;D
The layout looks completely screwed up in firefox 5.0, at first I though it was some weird layout for mobile devices, but it is fine in IE8.
Yet billp.com and winpatrol.com display just fine.
Yeah… And give a Droid for gift to avast Evangelists
No problem with the display using Chrome.
I was just mystified that the other two sites display correctly, yet this one doesn’t.
Dave, did you allow it in NoScript…?
His pic suggests yes, he did (you don’t see the BillP bit and the blue bar until you allow winpatrol)
Though, I see the same, with Firefox as well. I’d guess an issue within firefox that is causing the overlap…
You’re right Scott.
Well, no need to dig deeper, I guess…
I do use it and requestpolicy and all are allowed, so it isn’t the add-ons or it wouldn’t work on the other two sites either.