With so many people having so many problems - how about a thread that lifts the gloom somewhat. It will always be the case, understandably, that the ones with the bad news write in to forums. Those without problems do not.
I must report that I have three machines running Avast 7 free - like others I had problems until the release of ‘1426’ - since that time all three have performed without any trouble whatsoever
So as far as I am concerned, its a big thank you to Avast for providing a good AV for free.
I do play around with many other PC’s, and frankly when you see what has been configured and altered, and the conflicts that these changes make to the overall potential performance of a computer
A - it is difficult to imagine how their PC’s function at all.
B - blame is afforded to the wrong person/party/program
C - In other words, so much lies at the door of the operator
There, I’ve had my little rant, but thank you once again Avast
I have to agree. I am running avast 7 and have had no problems. Problems on some configurations are bound to surface because AV software embeds itself so deep into the system.
Yes, makes a pleasant change in a ‘support’ forum for people to report not problems.
IMHO Avast Free is an ''excellent" Free AV.
Yeah, people claiming Avast to be problematic should try Comodo AV for a week or two, to discover what real problems are.
I have used both Avast6 and 7 on Win xp, and have only had a very few and very minor problems.
Also remember: Avast developers know how important it is to make the AV leightweight, and they do it far better than other AV developers. 8)
Well I’m that happy with it I paid for the upgrade, so if your that happy put your money where your mouth is and support them financially so the good times keep on rolling…
I don’t know what is was, but couldn’t get Avast 6 to work on a Dell desktop with XP SP3 to save my life, but 7 has worked perfectly so far. I’m very happy about this turn of events and must agree, well done. I feel for those having problems with 7 though.
I bet that even Usain Bolt, the fastest man alive, stumbled a few times when he was a baby, but look at him now. This new Avast! 7 is running great in my comp. Keep it coming Avast!
I would not like to be stuck in Purgatory
hI yes I do feel for those people who have had trouble with avast 7 free. But I must say that I had no major problems just the nag screen when I would install avast 7 but since the update avast 7 free has worked fine on my Windows vista computer. I also have installed avast 7 free on Windows 7 and I have had no problems so far. I would just like to say a great job done avast keep up the great work.
have a great day everyone
Thanks for this thread Purgatory.