Well hidden virus chest

Who won the Avast competition for its employees to devise the most difficult to find location in the GUI for the virus chest?

Avast FAQ section have a nice … how to find it guide/pictures

No problem place it on your avastUI home page as a Tile.

Yeah, i agree. At least it was very difficult to find. But now it’s as Tile and is very handy.

After more than half an hour of fruitless searching, I suddenly stumbled on it. I thought that GUI version 2014.9 was obscure but GUI version 2015.10 takes the biscuit. Have I discovered the Avast 2015 Easter Egg?

My wife was concerned about my very bad language while I was searching.

I agree that the tiles are useful. Shame there are only four of them.

Roll on version 2016.11.

Yeah, with 4 tiles you kinda need to compromise. I think there should be atleast 6.