Who won the Avast competition for its employees to devise the most difficult to find location in the GUI for the virus chest?
Avast FAQ section have a nice … how to find it guide/pictures
No problem place it on your avastUI home page as a Tile.
Yeah, i agree. At least it was very difficult to find. But now it’s as Tile and is very handy.
After more than half an hour of fruitless searching, I suddenly stumbled on it. I thought that GUI version 2014.9 was obscure but GUI version 2015.10 takes the biscuit. Have I discovered the Avast 2015 Easter Egg?
My wife was concerned about my very bad language while I was searching.
I agree that the tiles are useful. Shame there are only four of them.
Roll on version 2016.11.
Yeah, with 4 tiles you kinda need to compromise. I think there should be atleast 6.