I’m evaluating Avast for our 50 workstations and 2 servers, but I can’t get the push install to work. I know there have been TONS of topic on this, but what I want to know is which username/password needs to be used for the remote install.
I tried using the main server’s admin user/pass combo, but it doesn’t work (remote install fails with bad account, etc.).
Am I supposed to add the individual workstation’s username/pass t remote install for all 50 stations?
Shouldn’t be able to use the “master login” for the main server – the account that gets access to EVERYTHING?
Am I supposed to have an admin account on each WS prior to doing this?
Oh, I forgot to say that what I just said above assumes that the domain name in the Catalog is really in the DNS form (i.e. that it’s really “domain.local”). Because normally, it’s in the NetBIOS form (without the dot in it - e.g. “DOMAIN”).
Please check one of the machines in the Computer Catalog (in the ADNM console) what domain name it shows, and use this domain name in the account spefication in the deployment task properties.