June 11, 2008, 6:13am
Thanks to Zilog for putting the error no’s up but it has left me even more confused. I turned off Time machine and ran a scan again and it failed at the same spot with 2 error boxes. One says “The file scan daemon died scanning path 1 of one paths (0 remains) " and the other says " The application com.avast.MacAvast.MAD quit unexpectedly”. It also says it has found 473 items with 480 not processed. The vast majority of these are err 13 with a description
part of package: does not belong to any package and a file name similar to these 2 examples
Does “err 13 - permission denied” mean that Avast cannot check them? Surely that is a fundamental issue with a virus checker?
What do they mean? I am new to the MAC and I am not used to file names looking like that?
I saw the instructions to download a different com.avast.macavast.mad in the previous “crash” thread so I tried but when I came to copy the new version into resources it told me I didn’t have the right privileges. What am I doing wrong?
June 11, 2008, 11:14am
Err 13 is normal, Dont worry about it. The Next Version wont report it so much.
To be able to overwrite the com.avast.macavast.mad file you will need to change its permissions. You can do this in the Terminal or with the Finder’s Get Info box.
Most users dont understand the Terminal so here is how do do it in the Finder:
Navigate to the com.avast.macavast.mad file
Right Click and choose Get Info
Notice that under the Sharing and Permissions Section that only the System can Read and Write
At the Bottom Click the Padlock icon and Enter your admin password
assign Read and Write privileges to the Admin Group under Sharing and Permissions
Note that im on Leopard but it should be almost identical on Tiger. Also once you replace the file with the new one you should change the Permissions back to read Only.
June 11, 2008, 3:24pm
Thanks for that. I did what you said but the new version also failed, pretty much at the same spot. It reported on 496 items, 493 unprocessed, 5 selected.
With the exception of the following list, all the file names were similar to the first and last in this list. Do you want me to try anything else?
“/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Version Cue CS3/Server/plugins/com.adobe.versioncue.persistence_3.0.0/template/”
“/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Version Cue CS3/Server/plugins/com.adobe.versioncue.persistence_3.1.0/template/”
“/Library/Application Support/Apple/ParentalControls/Users”
“/private/var/samba/printing/HP Photosmart A510 series.tdb”
“/private/var/samba/printing/HP Photosmart C4380 series.tdb”
“/System/Library/User Template”
“/Volumes/Time Machine Backups/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V1/Stores/52CE4B33-7BF1-4CC1-8C0B-0B1714A40646”
“/Volumes/Time Machine Backups/.Trashes”
“/Volumes/Time Machine Backups/.fseventsd/000000000265bd32”
“/Volumes/Time Machine Backups/.fseventsd/000000000266a724”
June 12, 2008, 2:17am
Are these files being reported with a Err 13? because lots of them like the /private/ and /library directories probably would return that error. And Like I said Error 13 is not something to worry about and will be reported less often in the next version.
But if the scanning daemon is still quitting that is something we need to figure out :-\
June 12, 2008, 12:38pm
They are all err 13 with the exception of the examples below:
I hope it helps - I have typed the scan result field in brackets
(OK) “/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Version Cue CS3/Server/plugins/com.adobe.versioncue.persistence_3.0.0/template/”
(err 42110) ibdata1 NOTE - when I cut and paste from the scan file list this doesn’t show up - I had to type it in?
(“/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Version Cue CS3/Server/plugins/com.adobe.versioncue.persistence_3.1.0/template/”
(err 42110) ibdata1 NOTE - when I cut and paste from the scan file list this doesn’t show up - I had to type it in?
Loads more Err 13’s then
(err 60)“/net/localhost”
(err 60)“/net/broadcasthost”
Loads more Err 13’s then
(err 42110) bootroot.loader.dmg NOTE - when I cut and paste from the scan file list this doesn’t show up - I had to type it in?
(An observation by the way - on my screen the err no’s are in a very light turquoise and not distinct - how about darker blue or even black)