After I just randomly remembered the “selling user data through Jumpshot” debacle, I decided to check Avast’s privacy settings again. I found 2 new entries that I have never seen before, and they were automatically activated, I never consented to that. You can see them here:
The first says something like “Share app usage data with Avast, so we can offer you third party products”, and the second option says “Personalize the notifications and product recommendations in this app”.
I’m pretty certain those 2 extra options must be at least somewhat new, I only remember seeing the first 2 options when I checked last time, which would make this a very sneaky way of getting user data without consent, by just adding new privacy-related options without any notification and just have them be active by default.
Now I would really like to know: What data is being sent to Avast because of these options, and why the hell were they automatically active without notification or asking for consent?
Those options are not new, and you can simply disable them withought compromising your security.
That said : I see that you have also disabled “Community IQ”, and with that you have also effectively disabled CyberCapture. And that does compromise your security ! So I recommand that you enable it again.
Well they have to be at least somewhat new, not necessarily “new new”, otherwise I would have seen (and disabled) them the last time I checked the privacy options. The fact that I can “simply disable them” isn’t really helpful when those options just sneak in with an update without notifying me about it. Who’s gonna think of disabling something that they don’t even know exists, because it wasn’t there the last time they checked?
Aside from that, my 2 main questions at the end of my first comment remain unanswered.
Oof, I kinda forgot about this thread for a while, my questions still remain unanswered though. I would still like to know what data Avast received from/about me from these 2 options specifically, I would appreciate a comprehensive list. Since the privacy policy and other documents don’t specifically relate to, or mention these 2 specific options, they’re not really helpful either.