What are your favorite anti-malware resource sites?

Hi malware fighters,

For just a comprehensive list to start a discussion about this issue, I will give ye all this link:

We have various online resources to check after suspicious code, malscript, CLSIDs, BHOs, malicious dll info (prevx for instance), sites to check Combo script cleansing script lines, sites to check manual cleansing routines. Over the years here in these forums I have quite a scale of these online resources, and from time to time I even stumble on other treasure finds.
Some of this resources, tools etc. can be used by any user, some are for experts only in specific settings, because the malcode could spill over and then your left with more mishap than you looked for. There are even tools to determine the privacy issues of browsers like
Fiddler with wad.exe installed combined with a nice swirl of the old Wireshark.

Can you mention what comes in useful for you?


BBR’s Security Forum / Security Forum FAQ

BBR’s Security Cleanup Forum

Bleeping Computer (general reference/info)

Prior to their demise, CastleCops :frowning:

Hi Jon_T,

The castleCops resources now reside here: http://www.systemlookup.com/
There are over 60.000 CLSIDs there, maintained by the original starter Tony Klein and the Belgian MBAM expert miekiemoes
