what browser now?... and a few words about IE9 beta

okay now we’re there, on sunspider benchmark: IE9 beta and Firefox 4.0b7pre are as fast as Chrome 7 (well on my system). I get about 530ms for the three repeatedly. Opera remains faster, with something just above 400 ms. I actually once had a similar result with a version of Chrome but could never reproduce it.

Now to the facts, i.e. simple browsing experience: I read a few days ago that someone from Microsoft said that javascript performance didn’t represent, in terms of speed, more than 30% of overall browser speed performance, and this seems confirmed…hmm…in Firefox 4 ;D there’s no way it’s as fast as Chrome now, surfing on a few pages gives you an idea, it’s just slower, much slower.

At the opposite, and you may have noticed that I’ve been one of the worse “IE8 (and older) hater” on this forum, IE9 is fast, it’s just a rocket. I downloaded the beta yesterday, and honestly I’m impressed. Well…let’s say it once for all, the UI is a Google Chrome clone, in every way, i.e. not just the looks, technically too >>> startup is instant, and browsing is at least as fast as Chrome, this is amazing. I wasn’t expecting that from Microsoft; got the feeling for the first time since I use Windows that there’s a version of IE matching the OS quality standards. So I don’t care whether it mimicks Chrome, it does it well, + a couple of extra features for security (inprivate filtering, activeX improved protection…).

Just be warned, it’s a beta, I mean it’s really a beta >>> crashes ;D …often on flash sites. Also on my system it doesn’t detect the windows live sign in assistant, making direct feedback from the IE9 interface impossible, you get a prompt to install the assistant…that you already got ;D Last warning >>> it replaces IE8 completely. I f you don’t want it anymore, you must uninstall from “installed updates”, it won’t appear in the list of all programs.

here’s the link to get it:

ps: on a side note, but please don’t make this the central point of this thread, because it certainly is not, IE9, just like Windows Live Essentials 2011, is not compatible with Windows XP.

BUMP ! ;D no feedback yet about IE9 ???

I’m definitely going to try to convince my ladyfriend here to get it on the Vista machine when it comes out of beta. Then I’ll be able to play with it. I’ve been reading everything I find about it and it looks fantastic. In my own usage, I’ll have to wait until I get a new machine with W7 since this one has XP :frowning:

yeah, from what I read just very quickly, the browser uses full hardware acceleration through the OS graphics interface, so it can only work in Vista or Seven. The only thing I’ll be definitely missing about it is extensions, because I know MS will never do that…well it’s just the beginning of that beta phase and it should last about six months but I doubt they’ll ever change this, would require to open code and that’s not MS style, not mentioning that the browser is so embedded in Seven that opening it to external devs would be risky.

I installed it on my Win 7 system and can’t say anything good.
First attempt to run it resulted in a crash.
I can’t get to the control panel to uninstall.
When I get back home, will have to reboot into safe mode and go from there.

wow Bob, no such problems here, I’ve had a few crashes but it recovered by itself, i.e. the crashing tabs got restored in a matter of seconds.

Here’s a screen shot of Avast forum as an app in IE9, notice how the browser is picking up the colors of Avast…

edit: again, as mentioned in my first post, you can’t uninstall from “programs and features”, but from “installed updates”

I’ve installed IE9 Beta just yesterday to have a look at it. So far stability is alright. I did notice that it is quite good on system resources. Would say better than current Firefox has been up to now. Seems also that java script is switched off, or maybe certain types. But then I also remember when IE7 was in beta and I tried it, worked very good. As soon as the final came out is when things went bad for me.

I took the plunge and installed IE9 on my Windows 7 system.

Now to swim around a bit with it and hope the Pirates don’t get me. :wink:

Installed it on my Vista Home Premium system. So far its blazing fast, hasnt crashed on me once. Im getting used to where things are in it now but overall like the changes to it. The ONLY issue Im having is that the Maximize, Minimize and Close buttons do not work at all. I have to right mouse on it on the Task bar to close it. Still fidding with that to see what the heck is going on. Does the same on other logins/after reboots etc. scratching head

This site’s new theme displays very well for me. Since I do Theme design work for SMF forums I know what to look for :wink:

Nice to see you on here again connie. Hope everything is fine at home. :slight_smile:

I’m about to install it on my laptop hopefully with more success than I had on the desktop.

good luck this time :wink:

Thanks Bob. Everything’s super here.

I uninstalled it. Will probably mess with it again but I couldn’t resolve the issue I was having and after hours of searching the net couldn’t find a fix for it so gave up for now.

If anyone else comes across the issue and knows how to correct it - Minimize/Maximize/Close buttons would not work. Clicking the edge of the browser window to min/maximize it would not work. Had to close via task bar. Other then that stuff I really like it.

It’s actually very nice and fast. Reminds me a bit of Opera.
For me here on my laptop it’s behaving well even toe min., max., and close are working properly.
Time to figure out what’s wrong on the desktop. :-[

I don’t have these issues, but you can report them on Microsoft “answers”, that’s the only place for it, in the internet explorer section (you’ll get an option to tell it’s about 9beta when posting).


Hi malware fighters,

What does it say when you go here: http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=try_nav_all



Browser CodeName: Mozilla

Browser Name: Microsoft Internet Explorer

Browser Version: 5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)

Cookies Enabled: true

Platform: Win32

User-agent header: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)

Running it sandboxed and it’s quite sluggish like that, runs fine outside the sandbox. I quite like it but i will be sticking to Chrome.

A new Flash Player Beta is out.

Flash Player Beta

changelog: Adds enhanced support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 Beta on Windows

download link: http://www.filehippo.com/download_flashplayer_ie/

EDIT: Link to official page: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html

EDIT2: Just a warning for those that don’t like to read the fine print. ;D

Important: [b]Please note that if you install the Flash Player "Square" preview, you will need to keep this version up to date by manually installing updates from the Flash Player "Square" download page on Adobe Labs. You will not receive automatic update notifications for future final releases of Flash Player, and you will need to manually uninstall Flash Player "Square" before installing a final shipping version of Flash Player.[/b]

okay thanks for that, this should be needed as IE9 crashes sometimes with flash sites, at least those with pages heavily populated with flash content.

runs fast sandboxed too here…and better than IE8 anyway that use to crash off and on because of the java plugin when sandboxed.

how come the page linked by Polonus shows a Mozilla agent ???

edit: same here ??? http://show-ip.net/browserinfo/

(chrome shows a mozilla agent too but it’s always been like that while Opera shows Opera)