What browser wars? The enterprise still loves IE 6 !

;D Hi avast forum members,

This news may come as a shocker to the tech-savvy folks in the house, but 60 percent of companies use Internet Explorer 6 as their default browser, according to Forrester Research. Meanwhile, your IT department spends a decent amount of time erecting barriers to prevent browser upgrades. Bottom line: companies need a browser policy, or they will risk productivity losses. :(  more on the news [url=http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10231713-2.html?tag=newsEditorsPicksArea.0][b]here[/b][/url]

I’m not surprised, I still use it myself (though it isn’t my default browser) for the very infrequent time I can’t avoid it.

I say that loosely (I still use it myself) as I try to avoid using it like the plague and if it weren’t integrated into the OS I get rid of it completely.

Since it is still a supported Browser because it was an integral part of XP SP1, SP2 & SP3 MS are forced to support it (security updates) in the same way as XP, now on extended support until April 2014.

I was just at a point of installing IE7, I felt that it was at a point where most of the wrinkles had been ironed out when they go and release IE8. So now I’m on a monitoring watch on IE8, o it might be a while yet ;D

DavidR, Since it is still a supported Browser because it was an integral part of XP SP1, SP2 & SP3 MS are forced to support it (security updates) in the same way as XP, now on extended support until April 2014.

Unless I have completely miss understood this, I still use IE6. How do I get the latest updates for it ?? (never was asked to update, or given the chance that I know of) :cry:

At my work i only use IE6 for our intranet programs that run server side. For everything else i use Firefox Portable.

Norwegian Websites Declare War on IE 6


You have slightly as the key is the OS, IE6 came installed with IE6, With winME you had IE4 or IE5, so your OS is no longer supported, so the browser that came with it is no longer supported either.

You update to IE6 and the furthest you would get would possibly be IE6 SP1 (if that far) as I believe IE6 SP2 required XP minimum.

The day a web site dictates what browser I can or can’t use and that goes not just for IE6 (which I try to avoid completely) is the day I declare war on that site/s by not giving them my patronage.