what can i turn off to make avast use less resources?

What options in avast can I disable while installing to make avast work faster on old systems? If I install avast on a computer that has an atom cpu (say a netbook) its boggs down the system. In those cases i just install microsoft security essentlials which is not good at all… but better than nothing. I would like to somehow tweak avast though to make it work on those slow systems

I always do the custom install and disable all the components… but what about the options on the first column?
p2p and IM are not important… what about the other ones? Network sheild is for computers that are on a local network?

I also go in the settings and disable the autosandbox which is VERY ANNOYING in some cases. What else can i disable to make it faster?

See the attached image for reference.

when I install avast i only install file network script behavior shields

There’s not much point in removing any of the main shields, if there not being used then there is no resource usage and you have the added protection that they will still pick up abnormalities in there area of protection, say if you don’t use a mail client it is still beneficial to keep the mail shield just in case you end up with a spambot being installed.

Note that Network shield also scans web traffic so it shouldn’t be removed, the auto sandbox shouldn’t become annoying if it is left in it’s default state of auto decision making, I never hear from it and it adds to the file reputation protection.

If Avast free has Reputation Services and Streaming Updates, you could disable those.


If your talking about Webrep then yes that can be disabled as long as Browser protection is still installed as that provides the phishing protection, I wouldn’t advise turning off streaming updates as that fast tracks critical definition updates so you have the most up to date protection faster.